Healthy Foods to Ease Arthritis Pain

Healthy Foods to Ease Arthritis Pain

Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by inflammation and severe pain in the joints that also lead to severe swelling. While there are several medications available to manage the condition, following a specific diet is equally important. In fact, eating the right food is your best medicine to control the severity of the condition. Remember, rheumatoid arthritis cannot be cured but maintained.

It’s important to eat foods that are rich in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory & analgesic properties. Along with medicines and other treatments, following a healthy diet is also essential to get relief from the condition.

Following are the top foods that will help manage arthritis

Garlic and onion
Though they give a strong and unpleasant smell, garlic and onions are packed with immune-boosting properties. Their antifungal and antiviral properties significantly reduce inflammation of the joints. They also lower blood pressure to a great extent that can cause arthritis to rise.

Salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel
These fishes are among the top foods that help manage arthritis pain. Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, these fish help reduce inflammation of the joints and swelling to a significant extent. It’s very effective if you consume 3 to 4 ounces of fish at least two times a week. They also help in protecting the heart and are available as canned foods, but make sure they are low in sodium content.

Try cherries, berries, and pomegranates
Cherries have anthocyanins that give your body and joints an anti-inflammatory effect. The compound is also found in red and purple fruits like blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries. These berries are extremely rich in antioxidants and offer arthritis-fighting power. Pomegranates are rich sources of inflammation-fighting compounds tannins. These compounds actively fight inflammation of the joints and promote flexibility.

Among the top foods to manage arthritis pain, broccoli contains high doses of a sulforaphane compound that obstruct the progression of osteoarthritis. Since they have rich calcium content in them, they offer healthy bone-building benefits.

Eat citrus fruits
Oranges, lime, and grapefruits are packed with Vitamin C that aid in the prevention of inflammatory arthritis. They also help in maintaining healthy joints with more flexibility.

Consider eating beans
Beans are rich in fiber content that help in lowering CRP. They also have rich amounts of protein that promote bone and muscle health. Some dark beans are rich in folic acid, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. All these components in beans make them extremely useful for the heart and immune system benefits. Choose to consume red beans, kidney beans, and pinto beans.

Ginger and turmeric
These top foods to manage arthritis pain are potent sources of anti-inflammatory properties and healthy & powerful chemicals. You can sprinkle these food items on various foods and beverages, and also consume supplemented doses. These foods also add taste to your foods, and ginger helps soothe an upset stomach.

All the nuts are rich in proteins and are low in saturated fats. They also don’t contain cholesterol that is present in animal protein. Consuming nuts regularly helps avoid inflammation, and are a good source of fiber. Consume unsaturated nuts to cut down sodium intake that can worsen arthritis.