5 Effective Contraceptives for Birth Control

5 Effective Contraceptives for Birth Control

Contraception is the use of techniques to prevent conception or pregnancy, and birth control has been practiced for centuries in different ways. Advancement in science has ensured that there are several safe and effective birth control methods, and this article lists five common methods of contraception:

One of the most common methods of contraception, condoms are available for both men and women and are highly effective and popular. A condom is a barrier in the form of a sheath worn during sexual intercourse to prevent the sperm from fertilizing the egg.
The male condom is the more popular option and is worn over the penis before intercourse. It is a highly effective form of contraception, and it also prevents some types of sexually transmitted diseases. However, failure can occur if the condom is torn or if there is a leakage of semen while removing it.

Birth control pill
One of the most effective methods of contraception, birth control pills are popular among many and contain hormones like estrogen and progestin that prevent conception. A woman must take the pill every day to prevent ovulation so that there is no egg to be fertilized. It is more than 90% effective if taken properly, but it can also cause side effects.

Hormonal injections
A hormonal injection works like the birth control pill. Instead of taking a pill daily, the injection is administered once in 3 months and contains hormones that stop the menstrual cycle and prevent ovulation. It is 97% effective but may lead to side effects in some women.

A diaphragm is a contraceptive that works somewhat similar to a condom. It is used along with a spermicide, which can kill sperms, and it needs to be inserted into the vagina a couple of hours before having sex. It must not be removed for up to six hours for it to work effectively. It is 90% effective, but inserting and removing it can be problematic. Additionally, it does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases like condoms.

Surgical methods
Couples who do not wish to have children can opt for surgical methods of contraception for permanent results. For men, this method is known as vasectomy and involves a procedure to ensure that the semen does not contain sperm. It is nearly 100% effective, but it is irreversible.
On the other hand, tubectomy is the process of sterilizing a female by blocking the fallopian tubes. This is a permanent procedure that prevents the egg from reaching the uterus, preventing pregnancy. This common method of contraception is highly effective but cannot be reversed.

While multiple contraception methods are available, all methods are not suitable for everyone, so it’s advisable for an individual to consult a doctor to understand which one is suitable for them.